Leafing Through

Lately, as of 2023-11-01


Quick notes here, before I put off updating again.

  • I finished my full-time work contract last October. I thought I'd take my time and start looking again for full-time work for 2024, until...
  • ... An exhibit I was researching for was cancelled due to sponsors pulling out :( I feel worse for the exhibitor, who has been tagged as subversive by those he thought would support his work and who have distanced themselves from him to protect their own financial and political interests. Yet, he still sides with the disenfranchised groups around the country--the indigenous peoples, the urban poor, the working class--who are the subjects of his photography practice. And in the brainstorming for this project, he's gained more supporters and admirers of his work. Good on him.
  • While focusing on this one project, I've neglected another :( It's a smaller-scale project involving me, a classmate and her family's collection, but I really feel bad I haven't been updating the proposal the past weeks. I know she's busy with her day-job too, but I owe her at least updates on what I'm planning.
  • As I live and work with the circumstances located closer to me, I still acknowledge my part in large-scale and long-term happenings around the world. I'm disheartened by the loss of lives the past month, especially when it is done viciously, massively out-of-proportion, and with impunity. It's important to hold accountable the states and the corporate entities that profit from and thus enable the longstanding oppression and violence against marginalized groups. I stand with the Palestinians, the groups of people around the world who are constantly threatened by the imperialist military-industrial complex, and the global citizens who stand in solidarity with them.
  • I'm working on cleaning up the code on this site to make it easier to for me to write, and to make the code more consistent across pages and responsive to different devices. This is a work in progress.

That's all from me for now.